Järjestämme tutkijoille suunnattuja seminaareja keskiviikkoisin klo 10-11. Seminaarit järjestetään joko seminaarisalissa (Economicum, Arkadiankatu 7, 4. kerros), hybridinä tai Teamsin välityksellä. Seminaariotsikosta näet miten tilaisuus järjestetään.


26.3. Ozan Yanar & Laboren tutkijat: Guarantee pension (hybridi).
Esitelmäkieli englanti.

Abstract: This paper analyzes the causal impact of additional pension income on labor supply and retirement decisions among low-income Finnish retirees. In 2011, Finland introduced a guarantee pension to ensure a minimum level of pension income for low-income pensioners and to alleviate poverty in retirement years. The pension income increased by up to 32 percent for those living alone and 17 percent for those living with a partner. 

 Our empirical analysis utilizes nationwide Finnish register data and difference-in-difference results show that the reform had unintended consequences, as the introduction of the guarantee pension significantly increased retirement rates among individuals above earnings-related full retirement age. The retirement rate for eligible individuals increased by approximately seven percentage points, which is a twenty one percent rise. The impact was even more pronounced for individuals not employed at the time of the reform, with their retirement rate increasing by twelve percentage points, or thirty six percent. 

 Moreover, we utilize novel difference-in-kinks design to estimate the euro-for-euro effect. We find that a causal effect of 7 pp. (21 %) in retirement rate per 1000 euros of guarantee pension for eligible individuals and 5.7 pp. for individuals who are not working. In contrast, we do not detect similar effects for employed individuals. 

 These results show that while the guarantee pension provided a strong financial incentive for non-employed individuals to retire, employed individuals did not alter their retirement plans to the same extent. 



  • 5.2. Thang Dang (Turku yo & INVEST-lippulaiva): Homeland Insecurity and Mental Health
  • 12.2. Allan Seuri (Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö): TBC – Opintotuen tason vaikutukset opintoihin ja toimeentuloon – oppimateriaalilisän käyttöönotto.
  • 5.3. Merja Kauhanen, Jeremias Nieminen, Ohto Kanninen & Milla Nyyssölä (Labore): Oleskeluluvalla Suomeen tulevien toimeentuloedellytyksen kehittämisvaihtoehdot ja niiden vaikutukset
  • 12.3. Juho Alasalmi (PTT): How many of the currently employed immigrants came for work?
