We conduct applied economic research covering the fields of the labour market and education, the public economy and finances, and macroeconomics, forecasts and industrial organization.

Typically, we undertake empirical research based on statistical data and supported by a strong theoretical framework and expertise in scientific methods.

Scientific communication

The aim of our activities is to provide research information to support decision-making and as a basis for social debate. The quality of our research is supported by publications in leading international scientific journals. In addition to our research activities, we also monitor the economy and household finances.

Scientific communication is an integral part of our activities. Our researchers work in expert positions and participate actively in the economic policy debate. Our best-known product is the Finnish-language magazine Economy and Society/Talous ja Yhteiskunta (T&Y), which we publish quarterly in both print and electronic formats. Our other key communication channels include our Policy Brief series, the PT blog and our new T&Y podcasts. We are also on Twitter, Facebook (T&Y magazine) and LinkedIn.


We have four research publication series:

  1. Studies
  2. Working Papers
  3. Reports
  4. Policy Briefs


Research fields and sections:

  • Labour market and education
  • Public economy and finances
  • Macroeconomics and forecasts
  • Post-graduate incubator


  • We publish short-term economic forecasts in spring and autumn.
  • In addition, each autumn we publish a review of changes in purchasing power among typical Finnish households.
  • We also compile industry-specific economic and employment forecasts.

Seminars and events

Find out about our upcoming seminars and other events.

Research forum

We organise research forums (In Finnish) three to four times a year in which we share the latest research information about topical social issues among our community.

T&Y Magazine

T&Y magazine is published in Finnish in both print and electronic formats. In addition, we publish a T&Y blog and T&Y podcasts that you can listen to on Soundcloud and Spotify.

Contact persons

Research director (deputy)

Research leaders