Vocational labour market training: assessment of functionality and impact
The study assessed the functionality and impact of vocational labour market training. The analyses were based on register data from the Ministry of Employment and Economy and Statistics Finland, as well as interviews and surveys. The surveys were targeted to labour market training participants, employers, service providers and representatives of the TE administration.
On average, vocational labour market training increases the employment rate of participants by 5–10 percentage point and average annual wage income by around EUR 2,500, depending on the calendar year, time since training, training type and target group. Longer-term training has a greater impact on employment and income than short-term training.
In the surveys, procurement methods and processes for the vocational labour market training were largely rated as functional and effective.The areas for improvement are mainly related to customer guidance, targeting and resources of the vocational labour market training. More resources are needed for the provision of training but also for guidance in the training process. While in some areas there is less training than demand for it, not all TE office customers are sufficiently familiar with training offerings. Some customers need support when seeking labour market training, in the preparation of applications and also for the transition period from training to working life.
Publication Information
Alasalmi, J., Busk, H., Holappa, V., Karhunen, H., Mayer, M., Nivala, A., Suhonen, T., & Valtakari, M. (2022), Ammatillisen työvoimakoulutuksen toimivuuden ja vaikutusten arviointi, Publications of the Government´s analysis, assessment and research activities 2022:35.
- ISSN: 2342-6799 (Online)
- ISBN: 978-952-383-008-0 (Online)

- Hannu Karhunen
- Research Leader
- Tel. +358-40 940 2779
- hannu.karhunen@labore.fi
- Profile

- Tuomo Suhonen
- Research Director, Research Leader
- Tel. +358-40 940 2916
- tuomo.suhonen@labore.fi
- Profile