Eurooppalainen palkkavertailu ammateittain: tuloksia EU-SILC-aineistosta
This paper consists of comparing wages in different European countries by using Eurostat’s EU-SILC data. This paper is in part a follow-up to a similar study by Kangasniemi, Yanar and Sauramo (2014). The main focus of the paper is the international wage comparison of selected occupations. Based on this paper’s findings, the ranking of countries while comparing wages by occupation is quite similar to the ranking when comparing the wages of all employees. However, there is some occupation and country specific variation in the extent of international wage gaps and wages relative to local average wages. In addition, the growth rate of the selected occupations’ wages between the years 2008–2012 differ by country.
- ISSN: 1795-1801 (Online)
- ISBN: 978-952-209-142-0 (Online)
- Publication in PDF-format