Anticipation of workforce and education needs as a tool for strategic social policy

Policy Reports Anna Idström, Milla Nyyssölä, Tuomo Suhonen, Vera Djakonoff, Aleksi Neuvonen, Liisa Perjo, Mikael Sokero


The report examines the quality of workforce and education needs anticipation reports published by Finnish national authorities from 1979 to 2021 from the perspective of decision-making. First, an overview is given of the historical development of anticipation institutions and principles. The quality of the anticipation exercises is then assessed using an evaluation framework developed in the project, which consists of four dimensions: transparency, credibility, operationalization, and reader-friendliness.

The report identifies several strengths and weaknesses related to the quality of the anticipation reports, with differences noted between reports published in different eras. Designed primarily for official use, the anticipation reports have been generally appropriate in terms of transparency, credibility, and reader-friendliness. However, they have not adequately served the critical evaluation of anticipation methods or the broader dissemination of information in society.

As recommendations, the report suggests more diverse reporting of anticipation information for different target groups and closer integration of different anticipation projects in reporting. Additionally, the report recommends the development and clarification of quantitative and qualitative anticipation methods and their respective roles, as well as increased networking and cross-administrative coordination among anticipation experts and users.

Publication Information

Djakonoff, V., Idström, A., Neuvonen, A.,  Nyyssölä, M., Perjo, L., Sokero, M. & Suhonen, T. (2024), Työvoima- ja koulutustarpeen ennakointi strategisen yhteiskuntapolitiikan välineenä, Publications of the Government´s analysis, assessment and research activities 2024:23.

  • ISSN:2342-6799 (Online)
  • ISBN:978-952-383-164-3 (Online)