The Rise and Decline of Monetarism

Working Papers 46 Nicholas Kaldor

The great revival of “monetarism” in the 1970’s, culminating in the adoption of the strict prescriptions of the monetarist creed by a number of Western governments at the turn of the decade – particularly by President Reagan’s administration in the U.S. and Mrs. Thatcher’s in Great Britain – will, I am sure, go down in history as one of the most curious episodes, comparable only to the periodic outbreaks of mass hysteria (such as the witch hunts) of the Middle Ages. Indeed I know of no other instance in economics where an utterly false doctrine concerning the causation of economic events had such a sweeping success in a matter of a few years.

A lecture delivered on the 5th of June, 1986 in Helsinki by invitation of STS-bank and Labour Institute for Economic Research (TTT).