Report on a teacher register and teacher data collection
The working group identified whether the collection of new data on teachers is required in Finland, for what purposes would a register be required, what would the register’s target group be, and what options, costs, legislative needs and data protection issues would be associated with the establishment of the register. In addition, the working group examined whether the needs for data on teachers could be fulfilled in full or in part by developing existing data collection methods and data resources.
The working group proposes that a teacher register be established in Finland on the grounds of public interests. Currently, sufficiently reliable and up-to-date data on teachers’ tasks, qualifications and regional needs is not available. Reliable data is needed for the proactivity, monitoring, research and development of teacher training. Data available in a teacher register would also promote equality in training. Different levels of education have different perspectives and data collection issues, and it is proposed that the register be established in stages, starting from pre-primary and basic education, as well as upper secondary schools.
The report also describes the key criticism related to the establishment, necessity, allocation and costs of the teacher register, which should also be considered in decisions made regarding the teacher register.
Publication Information
Hannula, H., Karhunen, H., & Pursiainen, J. (2021), Selvitys opettajarekisteristä ja opettajatiedonkeruusta, Publications of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland 2021:54.
- ISSN: 1799-0351 (Online)
- ISBN: 978-952-263-778-9 (Online)

- Hannu Karhunen
- Research Leader
- Tel. +358-40 940 2779
- Profile