Arvopaperimarkkinat suomalaisen palkansaajan näkökulmasta

Working Papers 193 Petri Böckerman


This report considers securities markets in Finland from the perspective of salaried employ-ees and wage earners. The first part of the report provides descriptive evidence about the role of salaried employees and wage earners in securities markets during the 1990s. There has been an increase in the participation of salaried employees and wage earners in the Fin-nish securities markets during the 1990s. The second part of the report considers the role of financial sector for employment in Finland. The share of financial sector of the total emplo-yment in the Finnish economy is around 2%. This figure is extremely low in comparision with other OECD countries. The third part of the report is about the importance of national securities markets from the perspective of economic geography for the development of the economy as a whole.